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The Hub

Education Support Sessions - Wednesday 10-2 and Friday 10-2

Our general education support sessions at the Hub incorporate game playing in all forms, our groups of young people are purposely small and mixed age (10-16), increasing the opportunity for them to get the support that they need, and build relationships with their peers. Activities are differentiated by ability and interest. Specific focus on music and media production, singing or radio related courses are available to our older young people, allowing them to learn new skills and uncover new interests in our divergent learning environment. 

We have a belief in how much young people can learn and make up for missed experiences through playing (traditional) games. we provide a safe and warm environment where cooking, making and unbridled creativity are actively encouraged! As founders Nancy and Marvin have both been training Kung Fu for many years we are able to access bespoke kung fu lessons from Sifu Wayne Husbands and Reading school of martial arts which we regularly visit. 

Art workshops are provided weekly by our resident artist Charlotte Coe who introduces our young people to mixed media and multiple creative opportunities from textiles and jewellery making to paint pouring and baking. 

Cost £150 per session

Focused Interventions
Resilience, Regulation and Resolution (6 week course) 

During this six week course young people will be introduced to the concepts of emotional literacy and resilience. They will learn to identify conflict and learn practical strategies to mange it and regulate themselves. Through role play, exploring healthy coping mechanisms and identifying safe people and spaces this course will equip young people with tools and strategies to manage every day stressors and fulfill their potential.  


This course is co written by founder and registered social worker Nancy, Registered integrative therapeutic counsellor Dani Ettia and Life coach and conflict resolution practitioner Peter Burton. 

Cost: £840


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